Natalie is a career professional and owner of Step By Step Transformations LLC, a professional Christian life coaching company. Natalie began this company with the ultimate goal of helping people discover and be intentional to act in accordance with their values in order to live their life’s purpose. Her 14-year career background spans across the public and private sector. She has led teams at various levels, given presentations and has gained interpersonal, social and coaching skills needed to help individuals to establish goals and develop intentional action plans needed to transform their lives.
Natalie’s approach to serving her clients has enabled her to develop and implement a system that will facilitate transformation. She has prepared Step By Step Transformations for continual growth via her simple but uncommon coaching approach using biblical principles. Natalie believes it’s important for people to realize living one’s purpose requires knowing and acting on ones values and not their feelings. The same is true being a servant of the Lord, not always because you feel like it. Her personal belief is that far too many people blindly act on their feelings resulting in unfulfilled lives.
Mission Statement: The mission of Step By Step Transformations LLC is to help and encourage all of its clients to live their lives according to what they value and not their feelings in order for them to achieve their life’s purpose set forth by God.
Vision Statement: Our mission is to build a spiritual company that focuses on transforming the mind of believers today. We will accomplish this through coaching sessions, inter-active seminars/workshops and print media that will focus on defining and living ones values. This will enable them to live out God’s purpose for their lives personally and professionally.
Natalie is a Certified Christian Life Coach, a member of CCA (Certified Coaches Alliance) and other professional organizations related to her career. She has been described as honest, passionate, confident, direct with great communication skills. She has passion of helping others live their purpose.
A transformation takes place when one decides for various reasons to change, convert their condition, nature or character. Transformation has such a profound effect on a person that it turns their lives onto a completely different path. This is usually initiated by life circumstances. As a believer, change starts in the mind as you learn more about who God is. In order to know God, you must know and study His Word for yourself, pray and spend time with the Lord. Think of it like relationship with a friend, significant other, and spouse or loved one.
Are you are ready to transform into the person that God wants you to be? Do you have the faith and courage to move forward in your purpose contact me to schedule your complimentary consultative coaching call and we will get started in getting you there!!!